- это специализированный сайт отзывов о банках и других финансовых компаниях Украины. Здесь размещены отзывы о каждом Украинском банке и финансовой компании, которые осуществляют финансовую деятельность в Украине. На сайте оставляют отзывы как клиенты банков так и сотрудники, которые рассказывают о качестве предоставляемых услуг банком или о деятельности какой либо финансовой компании Украины.


Paint.NET is a free (except for the Microsoft Store edition) bitmap graphics editor for Windows NT. The software began as a University of Washington student project for Microsoft Windows, led by Microsoft. 


Paint.NET is offered under a modified MIT license, except for the installation file and text and graphic resources. All resource files (such as interface text and icons) were re-licensed under Creative Commons, which bans alterations, and the installer was turned closed source owing to licensing breaches.


Paint.NET began as a spring 2004 computer science student project. Developer Rick Brewster stated that version 1.0 was produced in 4 months and had 36,000 lines of code. Version 3.10 has around 140,000 lines of code. In the summer and fall of 2004, Paint.NET was updated to versions 1.1 and 2.0. 

Two University of Washington grads who worked on the project as students now work at Microsoft. 

So far, the application has been downloaded over 2 million times, with a monthly average of 180,000.


CryptoRenaissance - that's what the NFT is causing today with art. 

In art, like five centuries before, habitual values change before our eyes. A technology arrived five centuries ago that flipped everything. Then typography. Blockchain now. But most crucially, the artists got paid, allowing them to dedicate all their time to creating and studying society's changes. 

Some digital artists dispute the existence of "crypto art." Yes, it's a significant phrase. Long-term viewing of crypto art reveals that it is unified not just by its tokenization. The choice of subjects, genres, and creative techniques produce a pretty uniform environment for which the name "crypto art" is already emerging.


Then the daily bread. The NFT's programmability allows for mechanical royalties, for example. That is a percentage of each sale of your work. And this is independent of the intermediary's desire to compensate you. The commission is in the smart contract and will be sent to your crypto wallet.


Best projects

  • One of the first is SuperRare. For rare (11) digital versions. High standard of labor and costs. Pre-moderation.
  • NiftyGateway is the crypto art leader. They adore mass drops when a work is sold in several copies, including a VIP version 11 for a premium. They organize most of the most significant sales in terms of revenue. A weekend on NiftyGateway netted Beeple $3.5 million (although he had been drawing them for 13 years before that). Of course.
  • Young moderated boutique site.
  • Rarible is the fairest platform. Anyone may tokenize (mint) their work. It is made in Russia. But Rarible isn't only for crypto art. This is an NFT market.
  • OpenSea is the largest NFT and crypto art marketplace. OpenSea is used for secondary sales. In general, they have everything they need. It's just that promoting them on OpenSea is less convenient. OpenSea is an excellent alternative if you rely on subscribers.

Notable artists

Their profiles say it all

  • Beeple
  • Coldie
  • Muratpak
  • Hackatao
  • Fewocius


  • Pranksy — main trendsetter in NFT.
  • mcuban — Mark Cuban, millionaire (or billionaire?), collector, actively mints NFT from his videos.




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